Irish Heart and Lung Transplant Association

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Christmas Cards 2015

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As winter fast approaches, the time has come to think of Christmas cards for the festive period. Once again, we are pleased to announce that the wonderful students of Eureka Secondary Schools Kells have provided us with a vast array of excellent festive paintings. In what has always proven an exceedingly difficult task, we have opted for the 11 paintings displayed below and we must sincerely thank all of those who have submitted entries. It is our intention to recgonise their contiuned support in the coming month

At the time of writing, the cards are being processed by our printers and we anticipate their arrival in very early November. As the number of transplantees in Ireland continues to swell (30 lung and 12 heart this year as of 24/10/15), the need has never been greater for the provision of support to our members. Accordingly, 100% of the €5 selling price of a pack of cards will go directly to the IHLTA.

Cards will be available from the Heart & Lung Transplant Unit in the Mater Hospital as well as on request from any of the IHLTA Committee members. An update will be provided here and on Facebook when the cards are available. Email orders will be processed by secretary@ihlta.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


